• Live in Flathead or Missoula County • Be between the ages of 6 and 16
• Complete the enrollment process • Child and parent/guardian agree to be matched • Follow program guidelines • Communicate monthly with program staff
• No BBBS NW Montana participants including youth, families, volunteers, board members, and staff may be excluded on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, color, gender, disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or citizenship status\
When it comes to the future of our children and the well-being of our communities, we are all in this together!
In order for the mentoring relationships to be successful, we need the parents or guardians to be involved and engaged every step of the way.
A study for Big Brothers Big Sisters found that kids matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister:
✓ are more confident
✓ are more likely to steer clear of drugs and alcohol
✓ do better in school
✓ get along better with their family and friends
✓ feel better about themselves*
*Tierney, J.P., Grossman, J.B., and Resch, N.L. (1995) Making a Difference: An Impact Study of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures
Trust Tree For Kids
Your child's safety is most important. Each match is closely monitored and supported by a professionally trained match specialist. All mentor applicants go through extensive screening prior to being accepted as a Big.
This process includes completing an official application, running a comprehensive criminal background and driving record (for community-based matches) check, speaking to personal references, and conducting a thorough in-person interview.

Katie & Briana
KATIE: Being a BIG is awesome! I am having so much fun and I love my Little. This is a perfect match.
BRIANA: I like Katie because she is kind and likes what I like.

Dan & Andreaus
Dan and Andreaus started out as site-based "Lunch Pail Pals" and later switched to being community-based matches.
Andreaus didn't know how to swim and wanted to learn. With Dan's encouragement, patience, and belief in his potential Andreaus took the plunge (literally) into the deep end and faced his fears.